I used to think, that life is all about having good friends and all...
And yesterday, I went to an old folks home to visit my great grandmother...
And I saw, all the old folks, abandoned by their family.. I felt so sad.. So many of them, lying in bed, when its time, the maid will call them up, they eat, they go back to bed and just lie there the whole time.. doing the same thing all over again.
Plus, my great grandmother is bed ridden, so, I REally really think, if it really happens, I hope, she will pass away peacefully, in her sleep...
And now, I know, life isnt all about having good friends, Its about having a good relationship with your family..
*Never Never NEVER NEVER NEVER bring anybody to an old folks home!!! It sucks!!!! NEVER SEND ANYBODY THERE!!!!! GRRR!!!!
I heard an old lady, talking to her daugther, she was asking her, why cant she go home, why is she here and everything... :( I felt so sad, I know, she wants to go home, but why not?? she perfectly healthy!! :( Its soo unfair!!!
Nice rite?
* Juanny!!!
Juanny Me and mommy
Me and Jing En
The girl to pinched an INDIAN
Me and Juanny
The park ;)
The two emo guys..
counsins bonding...
GOO!!!! GOO!!! ETHAN!!! UP!!! UP!!!!
This is sooo awesome!! he havent even touch the bars!!
Yea.. we look constipated.... Lol
Errr.... Yay??
Yea.. this one's messy cause some were planning to jump at the back. me and hao zhe wanted to run and jump like zhou wei.. and I stood in the middle.. so well.. I did this pose.. Yea.. no idea why.. Lol
* I have HANDSS!!!*
Random pic..
Our whole row was wearing jeans.. XP
Monkeys full of cars... theres more!!
Me and hao yi, The cousin which has the same age as me..
AWesome right??!?! Lol
The famous blue castle
Sunset ;)
The playground
ETHAN was here....~~
Cheater!!! Hahahha we were laughing like laughing hyennas!!!
The awesome Tree made for, The LIM family =)
*ALL these pics have NEVER been editted. and are ALL taken by Wan Jia and her camera XP
* almost this whole post have been copied out from my blog which I think some of you might not be able to see.. ;)
* Wan Jia. Out.. Bye Cuzzies!!
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