It was funny I was reading our first ever blog post on this blog back from last year August and there was this sentence which I said:
“Come on cousins! Don't let this blog die!!”
TEEHEE. Oh well you cousins FAIL.
Btw I didn’t noticed that this blog is more than a year old already. Congrats to us! But yet we only have like 30++ posts? Pfft ;p
Jia’s at OBS now and I wonder how she’s doing :D No electronics OR EVEN AIR COND. I hope she’s suffering hahah!
And because Juanny deeply misses her sister she’s been at my place for the past 3 days. But thank God she went home already! Have fun in Cameron Juanny!
One of the few adventures we had ;) Mind my phone’s sucky quality. And I’m not doing anything bad to her! =P
Lucas and Ethan went to Genting without us D: But their back already. Going on a trip with them this Thursay! WATERPARK. We gonna have uber loads of fun! I HOPE.
Jon is done with his SATs so I wonder how he’s doing.
Those 2 Texans are having finals now. IN YOUR FACES! :P
Hao Zhe is at Denzil’s so the house has been very quite and peaceful ;) I laike.
Me? I’m stuck at home with Jing En and she is now jamming to my keyboard beats. She even made me laugh like crap when she tried to hit a high note just now!
I have been spending my time stuck at home, but it’s not bad too! I’m watching 30 rock, it’s a nice show!
I hope to see all of you soon! I had so much fun with you guys at Tanjung Sepat (:
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